Guides for Silver 430 BR Premium from AL-KO

Part of the instruction manual for the AL-KO Silver 430 BR Premium in English:
■ Keep other people out o f the d an g er area ■ T h e m achine operator or user is responsible for any accidents affecting other people or their property ■ Children, or any persons w ho have not read these operating instructions, should not be allow ed to use this m achine ■ Follow th e local regulations regarding th e m inim um a g e for operators of this type of m achine ■ Do not use the equ ipm ent if under the influence of alcohol, drugs or m edication ■ W e a r appropriate w ork clothes ■ Long trousers ■ Hard, non-slip shoes ■ Hearing protection...
AL-KO Silver 430 BR Premium
Manufacturer: AL-KO
Model: Silver 430 BR Premium
Size of the instruction manual: 7.55 MB
Category: Miscellaneous

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