Guides for GK1640T from Black and Decker

Part of the instruction manual for the Black and Decker GK1640T in English:
Remove the plug from the mains before changing the work location, adjusting, sharpening or cleaning, changing any accessory such as the chain, or if the cord becomes entangled or damaged. ◆ Adjusting wrenches. Form a habit of checking to see that adjusting wrenches are removed from your chainsaw before starting. ◆ Extension cables. Before use, inspect the extension cable and replace if damaged. When using the tool outdoors, only use extension cables intended for outdoor use. Up to 30 m of Black & Decker extension cable can be used without loss of power....
Black and Decker GK1640T
Manufacturer: Black and Decker
Model: GK1640T
Size of the instruction manual: 1.48 MB
Category: Miscellaneous

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