Guides for maxi+ from Bobike

Part of the instruction manual for the Bobike maxi+ in English:
Cycling together with your child: it has to be safe as well as fun. With a Bobike maxi+, you can rely on safety in any case. At Bobike, safety comes first. The Bobike maxi+ has been approved according to European safety standard EN 14344 and offers your child the optimum in protection and seating comfort. From 9 months to 6 years The Bobike maxi+ is suitable for safely and responsibly transporting your child aged from 9 months to 6 years on your bike. The maximum weight of a child in the Bobike maxi+ is 22 kilos....
Bobike maxi+
Manufacturer: Bobike
Model: maxi+
Size of the instruction manual: 768 kB
Category: Miscellaneous

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