Guides for BT-MX 1100 E from Einhell

Part of the instruction manual for the Einhell BT-MX 1100 E in English:
5 Working with the paint and mortar mixing tool The additional handle must be fitted! Before changing the mixing tool you must pull the power plug. Reduce the working speed when you immerse the mixing tool into the material you want to mix and when you take it out again. When the mixing tool is fully immersed, raise the speed to maximum in order to ensure adequate cooling of the motor. Move the mixing tool through the mixing container during the mixing operation. Continue mixing until all the material has been thoroughly processed....
Einhell BT-MX 1100 E
Manufacturer: Einhell
Model: BT-MX 1100 E
Size of the instruction manual: 962.56 kB
Category: Miscellaneous

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