Guides for STS 850 B1 from SilverCrest

Part of the instruction manual for the SilverCrest STS 850 B1 in English:
Avoid using slices that are too big or too thick, as these can easily become jammed in the appliance. Should slices of bread become jammed, fi rst disconnect the plug from the mains power socket. Release jammed slices of bread with a blunt wooden object (e.g. a wooden spatula or spoon). Thereby, do NOT touch the heater elements. ■ Diff erences in bread sorts, moisture content and the thickness of individual slices infl uence the browning of the toast. Therefore the bread for toasting should be kept in sealed packaging until required....
SilverCrest STS 850 B1
Manufacturer: SilverCrest
Model: STS 850 B1
Size of the instruction manual: 696.32 kB
Category: Household appliances

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