Guides for Chill and Go from Soehnle

Part of the instruction manual for the Soehnle Chill and Go in English:
Attention • Ensure that all components can move freely during operation. • Use the device only in a vertical position, never while laying down, e. g. on a bed or couch, as this will cause excessive pressure on the body. • Never use while driving a vehicle. Notes • If the device is used just prior to going to bed, please remember that a massage may be revitalizing and cause sleep disorders. • Automatic off after 15 min. This corresponds to the optimum duration of a massage session that has a revitalizing effect on the body...
Soehnle Chill and Go
Manufacturer: Soehnle
Model: Chill and Go
Size of the instruction manual: 4.96 MB
Category: Miscellaneous

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